Day 184

The Look of Love

Vintage sleepwear

Vintage sleepwear

I truly love these photos.  I never planned to post these side by side, but as I was looking for an example of my mom wearing one of her great sleepwear pieces, I found this photo of my mom in the hospital with me as a newborn, and I was stunned by our expressions, they are almost identical.  In the picture on the left, I am with my youngest daughter, and she is actually the one wearing one of my moms pieces, a vintage peignoir, that I know was one of the pieces in my mother's rotation while in the hospital after I was born.

I remember an article I once read that talked about the way a mother looks at her children.  It  likened it to the way a person gazes on someone they are deeply in love with.  That has always stuck with me, because each time I look at my daughters, I feel such an intense love.  In this picture of my mother, I can see the love in her eyes.  I have said this before, but even with all the struggles we went through early on in my life, I always knew I was loved.  I hope my girls will always feel that same way.