Memory Lane
Emerald GreenSilk Jersey gown
This post is a little different from the others, instead of a current photo, this is actually one from my own archive. In this photo I am wearing one of my mom's gowns, (which I sadly, lost track of over the years). This photo is about twenty years old, and was taken with one of my closest friends in the entire world, Kris. Kris is also wearing one of my mom's outfits in this pic, which we made fun of for years, but when I look at it now, I think it's pretty fantastic. Its hard to tell in this photo, but that jacket is fully made of sequins!
Kris and I on a whim, decided to go to a formal dance at my parents beach club, and all we and to wear was what we could dig up in my mom's closet, but what a closet it was! I had my pixie cut freshly bleached for the occasion, and as Kris recently pointed out, I put her hair in rollers for the event. Kris, will you ever forgive me? LOL.
I had the wonderful fortune to spend this past weekend in Portland, Oregon, where I went to college (Lewis & Clark) and met Kris for the first time. It was so wonderful to be be back in that city, I truly love it, and seeing Kris was such good medicine for my soul. Kris, thank you in advance for not being furious at me for posting this;)