"How do I love thee"
Possible slabs
There are many ways for a husband to express his love for his wife: flowers, cards, jewelry, or endless weekends spent with cranky children in tow at stone yards deep in North Hollywood. That my friends is true love. This kitchen has been many things but at it's core, it's a refuge for spending time with family and friends, sharing the recipes that my mother has given to me and that I hope in turn, to pass along to my children. As I've mentioned before, with each decision I made, I wish I could have shared them with my mother as I know she would have shared my delight in the attention to all the details that really resonate with a cook. My husband, graciously, stood by as I pained over what seemed to him to be minute differences in the tone of our countertops. (yes, those really are 8 different slabs.) But in the end, he was always supportive, and not afraid to poke fun at me. But as you can see from the pictures here, I think the counters turned out pretty damn well. I know my mother would have felt the same way.