Cloisonné elephant pendant
Vintage Elephant pendant.
Just another sweet pendant my mom owned. My mom really love talismans's, amulets, god luck charms. As a result, I have never flown on a airplane without a piece of red ribbon on my body, never boarded (and still won't) a plane without touching the side and gently whispering "Happy landings, Big Bird." She loved it all. There was a time after my mom died when I would look at her collection of Angels and Saints, and "evil eye" jewelry, and be so angry, thinking, "great job on your protection! She believed in you, needed you, and you let her down." And then I had to think of the mercy, the fact that she lived as long as she did with a terrible disease, that she was with us for years after I excepted. And I thought about the fact that when her time came, she did not suffer endlessly, and that my brother and I were by her side. Those were all blessings. I often say, "Man plans, God laughs." But the reality is that we pray for luck and protection, but the universe unfolds as it will. And as my grandmother used to say. "I don't pray for outcomes, I pray for God's will." Amen. So we need to think of our blessings every day.