Stuff Happens
Just a few delays…
Wanted to give a few updates on the kitchen. Even as an interior designer, with a great contractor and the best subs around, even than; S!*t happens. There are "woopsies!" and delays and "ruh roh's." And you know what? It's all going to be ok, and I wish I could sometimes straight up tell clients this: Nobody is perfect, life happens, human beings are fallible, we make mistakes, miscalculations, misread things. We make errors. The honor lies in fixing your mistakes, standing tall and making things right. The sink installation was delayed as the weight (117lbs!) was not read on the spec before cabinet that houses it was built, therefore it required modification and buttressing after the fact, and lights were installed where upper cabinets would be placed, necessitating some location shifting post drywall installation. In the end this delayed us about one week, but in the end, It will not seems like that long.