Now that's a nightie
Vintage Silk Charmeuse Negligee
Believe it or not, this is not a wedding dress, it is a negligee. Negligee seems like a poncy word to use, but really that is the only fitting word to truly describe this. I cannot believe that this was meant for sleeping in. Surprisingly, the silk is in amazing shape, but of course I am too chicken to actually sleep in it, for fear of ruing it. This was my great Aunt Margery's, the same Aunt that had the hand embroidered monogrammed slips. God bless her. This is truly a work of art. I think about this and the embroidered kimono from yesterday, there was such an amazing attention to detail in these old pieces. Again, this is another keeper. I think that I am going to start keeping track of what I think I will keep, and what I am ready to let go, I think that will be a good exercise.
Embroidery Detail