Hiya Coach
I love these simple coach bags, the ones that where made of thick supple leather, and except for the removable tag, were logo free. Honestly, these are the types of things that make me happy; simple, classic and well made. This bag will surely get even better with more time.
On another note, I have reached the point in this digital archive (I have decided that I am really over the word blog, it really is an inelegant word isn't it?) Where I am a third of the way through the year. I really can't believe it. I am also hitting the end of my fashion larder in LA, so I will have to have a major re-up in NY in a few weeks. To any and all who are still tuning in, thank you so much. I know I took a few days last week off, but I was in the midst of hosting a baby shower for 30 at my house, without a kitchen! My mother would have done the same thing BTW. I will try and post some pictures of the kitchen in transition. Cannot wait until it is done!