Happy Anniversary
Handmade sugar paste cake top
June 24th, 2001. On this day 13 years ago, I stood on a bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and married my husband. All our parents were in attendance at that ceremony. We were some of the first of our friends to marry, and we had a BIG ol' wedding. I used to regret that it was so big, and think to myself, "man, that was so much money, it could have been used for so many other things...." I thought that way for many years, until recently. Now when I think about our wedding, I think about all of the things that made it fabulous, the venue, the band, the food (seasonal sand dabs!!!), and all the people that were there. I never wanted a wedding that big, at least I didn't think I did, but it was just this massive celebration, filled with so much love and joy- and all the people in attendance contributed to that.
For those of you that knew my mother, you knew that she was an extraordinary pastry chef, and made exquisite cakes. My mother was visiting from NY for the wedding, so the cake and the base decorations were made locally, but my mother handmade the sugar paste Lilly of the Valley bouquet that you see pictured above for the top of our cake. Each leaf and blossom was crafted by her. I have it saved, and thank God, LA is not humid, because it is still in perfect shape.
This July, we are going to be celebrating at the wedding of the daughter of one of my mother's dearest friends, It is at Blue Hill at Stone Barns, my mother would have lost her mind, it is a foodies paradise, and some of her favorite people in the world will be there, I will be there for her, and she will for sure be there in spirit. Here's to weddings, to love, to joy, to good food, good friends, and celebration. It is truly what makes life worth living.