Sweets for the Soul
Mom's Strawberry Rhubarb pie
It's not just fashion that my mom passed on to me, it was also an incredible love for cooking. The cooking element came later in my life, after my mom had fought and won a deep battle with addiction. I am not sure if she would want me to share that, but it is something that I am proud of, and I believe she would have been as well. After she changed her life, she rediscovered her love for cooking and entertaining, I am sure that is where I picked it up from. She was especially gifted in the art of making pastries and deserts. There is a real skill there and it has taken me many years to feel confident enough to even attempt some of her recipes, but when I do, I am so proud if they turn out any where near the caliber she made. I hope to pass that love on to my girls. the recipe above turned out a little looser than I would have liked, and I am not sure why. I did not have my mom to ask, but it was still delicious, and I know what modifications I would make next time. Heres to more sweetness in our lives.