Moroccan Babouches
These are slippers that my mom and I bought together on our trip to Morocco. I had worn mine out, so when I discovered these it was so nice, I love them. This is not a pattern I would have chosen at the time of our trip, and yet now, it is perfect . They also carry another sweet memory for me. When my oldest daughter was a baby, our family took a trip to Disneyworld, with a stop at Epcot Center. Yep, I am giving a shout out to Epcot - I love Epcot, I love Epcot for all it's willful suspension of disbelief. I love that it is a world tour around a moat in Florida, with gift shops, twilight fireworks and iffy restauraunts, but for those moments that you are there, if you can let go of all that. You are in France, China, even Morocco. My mother loved the Moroccan stop at Epcot, because we had actually been there, and she was so excited to be there with her tiny Granddaughter. While we were there, she bought her a sweet book called "What's the matter Habibi" about a camel and her babouches. We used to read it to our little girl all the time. That book will always remind me of the sweetness of my mother, and the fact that she was also a fan of the willful suspension of disbelief, which I also call sense of wonder.
Here is a link to the book: