Mother's Day
Vintage Martha
I had to post this on mother's day, because I do believe that this dress may have been passed on to my mom from my grandmother (It is Martha of Palm Beach) So it really seemed fitting that I would wear it on this day, 3 generations strong. There is, and will continue to be for some time, a bittersweet element to this day, but this mother's day was actually lovely for me. My sweet little girls climbed into bed with me first thing in the morning and we talked about what kind of kittens we would get and what we would name them if their daddy ever said yes. Then he came home from a trip and we dipped sugary pastries into our coffee (just the adults!), before reading the Sunday Times and heading off to the farmers market for lunch, followed by a trip to the plant nursery and a then craft fair. The day wound down with a lovely dinner at a close friends house. Damn near perfect day. In the Sunday NY Times Review, there was a wonderful feature by a woman named Leanne Shapton, who has recently written a book about women and their clothes, The piece featured women telling stories about pieces of clothing they had inherited from their mothers. I found it particularly moving, and I felt at that moment connected to all the daughters in the world. An unknown yet deep, circle of friends.
Here is a link to the article if you have a moment to check it out, it is really great: