Pucci Due
Vintage Pucci Swim Cover-up
Normally, I wouldn't profile 2 pieces by the same designer in one week, but somehow, being in Palm Springs just felt so perfect for at least 2 Pucci's. Believe it or not, this is a swim cover up. Um, I'm thinking the swimsuit is about all it covers! Holy shortness! Although, if you look at the latest ad for Mad Men, Megan Drapers mini is pretty mini, but at least she had tights! I love that there was a time that Pucci designed exclusively for Saks, and I love that I have this little piece of fashion history. I saw a friend today that suggested I donate some of the pieces to a fashion school. Not a bad idea, there really is a lot of history in some of these outfits, and I don't want them to disintegrate into a Miss Havisham state of disrepair. At some point, I will have to make decisions about the future of all of this. I believe having this year will be a very good tonic to help me navigate that terrain. Thank you for coming on this journey with me. xoxo