Thirty For Thirty
"Good Luck June 57'"
This charm bracelet is among one of my most cherished possessions. My mother gave it to me on my 30th Birthday. She loved to share her jewelry on special occasions, it was always so nice to wear something she had given me and I know she loved it. But there is another element to this bracelet. If you notice, the charm disk say's "Good Luck June 57'" It was the year my mother graduated from high-school. I graduated exactly 30 years later in 1987. My mother also gave birth to me when she was 30, so those intervals have always felt interesting to me. Now my mother would have KILLED me if she knew I was talking about her age, but darn it I think she looked good for her age, so I will out us both right now. Both my mother and I are/were hitting big birthdays this spring. She would have been turing 75, and I am turning 45 in a week. Now here is what I think the differnce my mom and I may have had regarding age; I am incredibly proud to be turning 45, I work hard, and I sure as hell know of a lot more than I did at 35, or 25 (oy vey!) I am very proud of being more of a woman than a girl. I don't care about wearing short skirts anymore, (but I will admit I HATE you cellulite!!!) But what really hit me today when I told my oldest daughter about the age I was turning, was that I did not care so much about the vanity of the age, it was more the fact that I would not be able to be there forever for my own daughters, that time marches on. Woah- that was a wopper. I was more concerenced about taking care of them, about wanting to make sure they were protected from hurt and loss, and all the terrible things you want to sheild your kids from. So I am going to continue to try and eat right and exercise, and get botox....LOL. Beacause I want to be around for them as long as I can. (and look good doing it!) And if I cant, I will teach them to be strong and smart and kind, so they will be able to make their way through this crazy life. Here's to all the women, mothers and daughters I know: I love you All. Keep taking care of each other. xoxo