“They were all impressed with your Halston dress...”
Vintage Halston dress, BOET Necklace, Manolo Blahnik pumps
This dress makes me happy. It is a vintage red and white silk Halston, with a matching belt. It can also be worn with another belt, and the matching belt can be used as a scarf (ooh I may need to try that!) Or it can just be worn as a shift.... I am wearing the dress with a necklace given to me by my husband for Christmas, it comes from one of my favorite clothing shops in all of Los Angeles, Lake Boutique, which is located in my hometown of Silverlake, CA (PS-the jewelry designer is BOET, and Lake is getting more of her work in this month- It's amazing!!! I put a link to the shop below) The combination of this dress and necklace bring up something interesting for me. Shopping. Oh man did my mom love to shop-if there had been an Olympiad of shopping, she would have medaled in every category. This was such a mixed bag for me. Sure, who doesn't want to go shopping with their mom? I miss that so much. But there is a point when shopping to shop is not healthy. Oh mom, if you are reading this somewhere-please don't be mad at me for over-sharing! This is a common problem for a lot of people, and I am not immune to it, let's set that straight. But when my mom passed away, I found that I was left with mountains to sort through. (BTW- I could not have gotten through it all with out the help of my brother Jordan, Kathy, Vivienne, Margot, Sarah etc.- but it made me look at what "stuff" means to me. And the irony of this blog, is that it is based on me wearing my mom's things, and writing about it. But there is an interesting thing that I have noticed recently; because I am focusing on how to work with, and process, the items I have in my possession, it seems silly to go out and purchase more clothing or accessories. It's forcing me to get creative with what I have, and to pare down the things I have to just the things I need. Now this is only day nineteen, so trust me I'm sure there will be a point when we will ALL be over the selections at hand, and I did need to order a pair of D'orsay flats for spring...but this does open up a new way of thinking. Thank you for going on the adventure with me. And mom, thank you for being the curator of the treasures I am looking after. Love you with all my heart.
(P.S. Here is the link to Lake!)