Lady in Red
Vinatge Red knit dress with sailboat detail
I know this is not exactly a dress that screams "Thanksgiving's a-comin'!" In fact this is a dress that screams "I'll have a framboise si'l vous plait" and "isn't the Croisette lovely this time of year?" But before I dive into what is surely my favorite time of year (a season totally dedicated to eating and drinking with friends and family!!!) , I figured I would trot this out for one viewing before it is relegated to the 'clothing not to be worn again prior to several months of hot yoga pile' No joke, that is a real collection of clothing I own. This dress makes me happy, it was always worn at some summertime cocktail party, which meant I was home for a vacation. It's hard to see in this photo, but I am wearing the dress with high heeled white canvas espadrilles that tie up the ankle (natch). Ah, Vive l'ete...